A scientific, psychospiritual and social look into a new world order of harmony among people and planet.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Reordering Our World
I think the best place to start is by asking what people need, maybe confirming what we believe we know...or not. Then take what we (think) we know and ask or discover the better questions necessary to lead us to what we need to know. Lao Tzu said it best, "To lead the people walk behind them." From this perspective we can learn much and guide our evolution as a society with greater efficacy.
Too often we rely on what we believe and know, but forget that neither nor both cover the extent of possibilities. I think there was a gentleman who once said that fixing things with the same tools that built them is folly, or something like that. Taking a fresh look, which may mean including others without the belief or knowledge, may serve the process better.
Understanding the significance of suffering is one thing, but to grasp even a fraction of what a greater intelligence might want us to understand about 'longsuffering' could take us to a leading edge vantage point. What else might we need to know that is beyond our belief or knowledge? Every question has an answer. Are we asking the right ones that lead us toward harmony and understanding?
©2009 Zen Benefiel, ma, mba; http://www.BeTheDream-LifeCoach.com
Friday, March 27, 2009
I've spent countless hours reading and studying the methodologies of personal change, both to assist my clients and to grow in my own capability to actualize passion and purpose in a new way. I observe many others on the Net, off the Net and in my circles of contacts and friendships who feel this is an opportune time to get involved with collaborative efforts across a wide range of personal and professional areas. I'm particularly persuaded to renew my faith and trust in the capacity for synergizing spiritual and material outcomes, possibility coagulating if you will.
We face a challenging time ahead in order to weather the storms of past decisions and failed (or at least less than desired) systems that are plaguing education, environmental concerns, health care and social services just to name a few. This challenge is rallying the people to a renewal of personal values, ethics and morals in the face of issues brought to light by poor decision-making and fiscal management on local, state and national levels. I hope this renewal of collaboration of purposeful passion applied toward pressing needs will demonstrate the resilience and willingness of people to not only survive, but to thrive with new vision and outcomes in personal and professional arenas. I've engaged and witnessed what partnering principles do for multi-million dollar projects and am encouraged by it.
We've needed a renewal of hope for the human spirit to ascend the trials and tribulations of our current educational, environmental and socio-economic condition to say the least. I propose that instead of the anger and resentment most feel initially, we begin to point less fingers and accept our potential opportunity as our own renewal process. This process of renewal crosses cultural and religious boundaries to bring refreshingly new attitudes beyond the focus on differences we've seen so blatantly abusive in the past. We have common needs emotionally, physically and even spiritually present in our lifetime now. A renewed vision engages the innate spirit of goodness in humans and empowers constructive change to new levels of productivity and results in systems meant to serve the public.
Now I'm only a single person in this wheel of change, buy my own spirit is renewed with the activities I engage and am engaged by in these times of challenge. I know of the personal sacrifices many make to promote a spirit of cooperation in a renewed effort to align their personal passions with purposeful action, even when challenged by professional positions that may not necessarily align with their core beliefs. I encourage those very same to engage their faith and trust in their spiritual path and purpose to set forth on a renewed path of clearer communication and confrontation of those elements within their influence that deter or inhibit their natural desires for transparency and truth. I, too, am testing my ability to engage a life-long spiritual path in a renewal of passion and sharing of ideas and concepts for developing an organization based on common passions to serve our community and the world.
I wish that I could provide a solid reference for encouraging others to follow their passions in life. I can only say that I am in the process of renewal myself, having shifted from a supportive role in past endeavors to facilitation and leadership of a dream I've had for decades. Only now in this perfect timing of challenge to change old habits and patterns have I felt a deep sense of renewed confidence and the ability to act in congruence with a detailed laundry list, cleaning up previous feigned attempts to actualize the dream. Over two decades ago I began the trek, applying for the business name – Be The Dream. Now in my 50s, I feel the renewal of my inner child's playfulness and excitement in the movement of my life, a confidence missing for some years now. I can only say that if you have a dream to achieve, give it your full attention and work to make it real. You'll be surprised at how the universe aligns with your commitment, providing serendipitous synchronistic opportunities to further your efforts and results.
I have many quotes strewn about the house, my desk and reverberating in my head as affirmations and support along the way. I'd like to close with one that has been the most powerful in its encouragement. You may even recognize it. "Whatever you believe or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it." ~ Johann von Goethe
©2009 Zen Benefiel, ma, mba; http://www.BeTheDream-LifeCoach.com
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
An Observation of a New Way
I’m an eduholic, so by nature I’m curious about the nature and structure of the big picture as well as the person to person details of relationships that contribute to harmony among people and planet, planetary citizens if you will. They are often quiet folk, humble yet powerful voices in their business and personal worlds. Some even become well-recognized for their contributions to the community or world at large. Most are the unsung heroes of social architecture, planting seeds of love through their devotion to serving the needs of their chosen path. This leads to the basic questions that are so simple, they are often missed.
The goal is always to achieve a result through the orchestration and use of people, places and/or things. The specific goals are vastly varied, though these questions seem to be ubiquitous in content. That being stated, questions most recurring are: Are my intentions aligned with the goal? Sometimes personal agendas get in the way. What needs to be done? What is my purpose? What is my role? How do I best play it? What are the needs and wants of those I’m creating relationships with to achieve my goal? What may I offer to the process to facilitate greater flow and mutual benefit? How do I best serve it through my actions? The proactive included one more: What’s next? The humanitarian: Who needs help and how may I serve them?
This type of questioning one would expect in the best practices manual for human behavior. It almost smacks of a new millennium paradigm to address an apparent need for better relations in the global community, applied in thorough detail at local levels. Best practices include treating the process as an organic ‘learning organization,’ a holistic anthropic system, in order to maximize the return on investment. The dynamics of organizational management apply on business and personal creations, requiring wise choices in the face of challenge.
I suppose the hopes of many hinge on the effectiveness of how this new paradigm is proliferated throughout the mechanisms that manage our human, material, planetary and spiritual resources. One might conclude that this new paradigm would create a new world order, one of accountability and responsiveness to the rapid change of our behavior toward each other and the environment, establishing some kind of harmonic convergence of the fearful and fearless. The fearful exhibit unconscionable behavior in the destruction of life while the fearless live with conscience and consideration of life and all their relations.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Effective leaders naturally motivate people from their actions, which include showing respect, listening, reflecting, and negotiating through conflict. Efficient leaders learn the strengths and weaknesses of their subordinates and cohorts and utilize group dynamics. Leaders encourage and empower people to achieve success rather than place blame. Leaders have solid vision and unshakeable persistence in achieving a goal. Serendipity follows them everywhere as if their environments are alive and vibrant with creative energy just waiting for an opportunity to manifest a synchronicity.. Their efforts are empowered by their ability to manage and organize both activities and time in their busy schedules.
A good leader is courageous, able to make decisions without hesitation, and maintains integrity of word and deed. Dependability is also a key trait for a leader must always be there for their group. Sound judgment and sensibility are also features of a leader, with loyalty, enthusiasm, endurance, and initiative rounding out the ever expanding list. These characteristics manifest in a variety of presentations and situations, especially for project managers in process.
Project Manager Effectiveness
Project managers are leaders of small and large groups destined to complete a strategic project plan. Leadership characteristics described above can make or break a team. In all successful project fulfillments, it is the leadership of the project manager that determines the type of success for the project’s members. The most successful accomplishments are met with a sense of fun and reward when goals and objectives are met, all facilitated by the project manager’s leadership. “Persistent leadership is required to make partnering work. Project managers must “walk the talk” and consistently display a collaborative response to problems. Similarly, top management must consistently and visibly champion the principles of openness, trust, and teamwork.” (Gray and Larson, 2001, p. 373)
There is also an emerging element in project management. It was first introduced by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi in his book Flow – The Psychology of Optimal Experience. (Harper and Row, 1990). He states that, “Instead of accepting the unity of purpose provided by genetic instructions or by the rules of society, the challenge for us is to create harmony based on reason and choice.” This reason and choice are the foundations of project management.
People are more productive when they have optimal experience, a sense of flow to their personal and professional lives. Mr. Csikszentmihalyi describes flow as "being completely involved in an activity for its own sake. The ego falls away. Time flies. Every action, movement, and thought follows inevitably from the previous one, like playing jazz. Your whole being is involved, and you're using your skills to the utmost." This is the foundation for the highest productivity in any organization.
Project managers of today are successful due to their interpersonal relationships with everyone associated with the project. Providing an environment noted by Gray and Larson means that to incorporate the concepts and a delivery mechanism of optimal performance, Flow has to be incorporated within the foundation of the strategic plan. The attention given to this process empowers the leadership skills of each member of the team. Empowered leaders facilitate action and results, often better than anticipated.
CEO Comparisons
Leadership styles that are successful in one industry may not garner the same results in another. The integrity of James Burke, CEO of Johnson & Johnson, led the company out of a potential disaster when Tylenol’s tampering took place. Instead of following the recommendations of both the FBI and the Food and Drug Association, they recalled the entire supply on the market, even replacing customers’ capsule bottles with tablets. On the other hand, had he been faced with the knowledge that fossil fuel use is polluting air, ground, and waters of the world, would he have recalled the oil?
More often than not in the 80s, CEOs' management styles were often tailored to their particular industry. Defense contractors had traditionally been led by threat rather than reward; demanding and commanding compliance and performance. Managing by threat creates an atmosphere of mistrust, which is diametrically opposed to current management philosophy. Many companies in this industry now have initiated a variety of sensitivity programs to bolster moral and productivity.
Inspired stakeholder involvement creates opportunity for evolutionary leaps in a learning organization, across the gamut of organizational type or industry.
Code of Ethics
The Project Manager Code of Ethics described in the text begins with:
“Project Management Professionals, in the pursuit of their profession, affect the quality of life for all people in our society. Therefore, it is vital that Project Management Professionals conduct their work in an ethical manner to earn and maintain the confidence of team members, colleagues, employees, clients, and the public.” (Gray and Larson, 2001, p. 550)
The Articles within the Code of Ethics describe the optimal practices of human accountability, creativity, and responsibility. With minor nomenclature changes, it could very well read like the articles for developing any kind of organizational foundation. Leaders, true leaders, exemplify these Articles in their daily living. It is the following of the precepts set forth in these Articles that make them the recognized leaders within the organizations they serve, be it a corporation or community.
In Waking Up – Overcoming the Obstacles to Human Potential (1986), Dr. Charles Tart postulates our will is largely a mechanical reaction based on conditioning, intelligence is severely limited compared to what it could be, and there is no true self controlling life from a state of genuine self-consciousness. This discovery, not only by Dr. Tart, is changing the way personal and professional lives are working. The attitude of project management reflects this change. The qualities of leadership and project management demonstrate the symbiosis of creating results in life or in industry. There is little difference between the two in our evolving society.
In more practical applications, communities and municipalities depend on these best practices for survival now. For instance, AzDOT partnering meetings engage every stakeholder to create a partnering agreement mission statement with goals for the project team [stakeholders], a code of ethics, an issue resolution plan for jobsite activity and an issue resolution plan for all known or potential issues. The most effective leaders engage the spirit of partnering, create trust relationships with subcontractors by being trustworthy and more often than not bring in projects ahead of schedule and below budget from value engineering addendums. This leadership choice, the partnering meetings, also reduced lawsuits by over 800%. This practice begs inclusion in every commercial and/or community project, especially now.
This writer proposes that a true leader is priceless. Demonstrating the qualities of leadership not only wins friends and influences people; it sets the standard of behavior within an organization. The writer’s perspective of a true leader is one who leads people by example through using a synergy of charisma, tact and skill in handling challenges, concern for the rights and privileges of others and care for the positive impact on people and planet within the scope of their leadership and beyond.
Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly (1990). Flow – The Psychology of Optimal Experience, New York, NY: Harper and Row Publishing.
Gray, Clifford F.; Larson, Erik W., Project Management – The Managerial Process, Copyright © 2001 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Tart, Dr. Charles (1986), Waking Up – Overcoming the Obstacles to Human Potential, Copyright © 1986 by The Institute of Noetic Sciences
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Changing Our Mindset
According to many of the great personal growth leaders, many of the Law of Attraction practitioners, we produce what we focus on strongly – good or bad. I’ve always been on the cutting-edge of belief system changes in producing congruent thoughts and actions.
So how do you produce a congruent ‘thoughtform’ to compensate or overcome the current mindset of the majority? After all, you do believe you are NOT part of the majority of naysayers.. right?
So let’s look at what you can do to ‘switch hook’ from the current call and strike up a new conversation that aligns with your desires and what you really know to be possible. You aren’t alone if you don’t know just how, yet.
Applied sciences of change management make a lot of sense, but they are still a challenge to implement. I suggest you start by just taking a few deep breaths right now. Go on. Do it. It only takes a few moments and I guarantee you will feel better. Okay, so where do we go from here?
First Steps
In order to change a habit or pattern we must first acknowledge the need for change. It is important not to get confused with the ‘desire’ for change. Desire generally causes suffering because your emotions are attached – judging where you are in light of where you want to be.
Where you are is a more powerful emotional attachment because it is reality, not visionary. You cannot lie to yourself, but you can suspend your judgment. Just observe this place, like a visitor on vacation. I know it is a challenge to do this, but if you understand the dynamics of change, you know you have to free your mind of its attachments.
Next, begin to consider what a change would look like once the new pattern is in effect. It could be better office relations, communication with your clients that produce more sales, removal of bottlenecks in your production cycle or even teen agers picking up after themselves without having to be told. These techniques work at home, too.
Detached Not Attached
In the science of psychology there are pioneers that promote the understanding of detachment being a stepping stone to observation of ‘what is’ and ultimately creation of new paradigms more congruent with ‘natural’ flow of the intention-to-manifestation cycle. We know from productivity gurus that we must begin with the end in mind, see the goal before we can reach it.
Once the goal is visualized, then the subsequent questions about the path to it arise. When ‘the goal’ is perceived as a process, then the steps to its accomplishment unfold. It is like a logic train in most cases, lining up the cars in near perfect order as you ‘consider’ the necessary actions that leads you toward the goal. Being able to ‘observe’ this is much different that trying to ‘create’ it through sheer force of will.
Congruence Over Confinement
Imagine you are completely free of constraints to accomplish your desired change or goal. How would you proceed? Unsure? This process is generally outside the normal mindset of the general public and most business people, yet it is the foundation of an empowered executive.
Successful change management produces results through allowing change to ‘sink in’ instead of pushing people, places and things around. Resistance is futile and does not produce change. Leading yourself or your company toward better times starts with allowing them.
What we are talking about are inner resources we often dismiss or completely ignore in our lives. Internally, you already have a sense of the truth about yourself and your ability to rise above your current situation. These feelings or ‘knowing’ is congruent with your connection to a greater reality, one that you may have had brief encounters with but forgot about until now. If you were able to ‘see’ things differently, would the world change?
In ‘The Tao of Leadership’ by John Heider there is a section on Inner Resources that examples the brief discussion here. It states, “If I am content with what I have, I can live simply and enjoy both prosperity and free time. If my goals are clear, I can achieve them without fuss. If I am at peace with myself, I will not spend my life force in conflicts. If I have learned to let go, I do not need to fear dying.”
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Master Teachers
We will be reflecting on this process from the ideal place of a master teacher, one who empowers the students to use critical thinking skills to self-assess and grow into the new living awareness that integrates the data of discussion, whether classroom activities or life in general, into a cohesive usable knowledge base. In the face of pedagogical changes, and important question about change in general arises: What keeps us afraid, angry, ignorant, and immobile? Education has some relevancy in the discovery and exposing of answers. The balance of this paper will explore the process of pedagogy and potential advantages of a holistic educational shift.
In the most accepted delivery system developed by Madeline Hunter, an educator uses a defined set of instructional behaviors. This begins with the introduction of the ‘anticipatory set’ to the students. This includes the concepts and ideas that will be learned in this class, session or whatever. In our case, it is the introduction of the concepts of God/Goddess in human form. The concept is a simple premise that seems to be the 'goal' of nearly all major religions. Of course our assumption is that sons and daughters of God do eventually grow up.
We know that as with any learning process, there will be resistance and reluctance toward change. In this type of education (drawing out of knowledge), the anticipatory set could evoke very strong resistance due to the pre-patterning of most Western minds. This is human nature based on the belief systems at the root of the culture, which is unfortunately mainly fear, guilt, and shame ridden. We view the world from our previous databank of experience and knowledge. How has this view served our society to make it exemplary of our belief systems? What needs to change to evolve the society to where we believe it needs to be in order to achieve a standard of healthy relationships?
This flows into the next piece of the process of education, recalling past learning. We all have it, yet it is obviously not all the same. So how do you draw out all this past knowledge to serve our current purpose? There is a databank deep within the depths of human consciousness and the psyche that can drawn out. Examples of this are past life regressions on one hand and a more recent 'new' presentation such as John Edward's bridging communication between worlds. In a classroom environment we process so that it is all on the table, so to speak, and each one has the opportunity to listen to, or observe, each other’s database. In this way we all see where each other is, with no conditions as to the ‘rightness’ or ‘wrongness’ of the learning to date. It simply IS.
This is similar to Dale Carnegie's method of idea development. It could even be adopted for use within the realms of DeBono's Six Hats as well. So, we can delve into the depths of our past knowledge to seek the understanding of how things relate in a common language like Science, for example. The leaders in this educational process are saying that science does prove our ability to grasp the capacity of changing our reality through choice; simply choosing to change and doing so. It is a gross understatement to say that this choice is not easy nor clear as we confront old worn out patterns that no longer serve the greater good.
Now, the ‘essential question’ is asked. Our assumption is that a creator is one with their creation. In this case let us ask, “How does one become aware of their ONEness?” There is an accepted ‘knowing’ that each one of the students has some understanding or experience of their own path to enlightenment. Sometimes we have to dig deep into the recesses of our memories to find instances. However, most people have had an experience of such serendipitous synchronicity and connectedness as to be undeniable in critical reflection of assumptions. So each shares the most pertinent piece of their journey in recognition of the awareness of their connectedness, however great or small.
The mind usually wants to obsess over this for a while while the heart consciousness (said to be much the greater of the two) remains open to further confirmations. All of the information is shared without criticism, condemnation or judgment. It simply IS. Opening the door to this kind of sharing of information would probably trigger some deeper reflections as well, facilitated by the instructor (master teacher) who is already prepared to usher them into their seat for this particular movie. A recently released movie creates a bridge for a layman to understand quantum physics, science and mysticism, explained through fact and nonfiction fantasy. The mind is awakened to the presence of I AM within. Supposedly we knew this long ago and have forgotten the way home.
Elemental Essence of Energy
It is all-visible to each 'presence' within our entire population, however the effect of each choice in the filter of their own consciousness is often one of the ‘hidden’ processes that takes place, regardless of the external activity. These are processes that one internalizes and rarely offers in reflection to the group. Now that we have this collective database, we begin to realize the similarities in each individual contribution, as they are virtually the same in the evocation of feelings. What I mean is that they have the same intent or purpose in achieving greater harmony as reflected in the expressions of shared feelings, exemplary of a greater synergy of experience. However, sometimes it is not clearly communicated due to using individual dictionaries of personal data to explain individual perspectives.
A master teacher will facilitate the group toward understanding that they are saying similar things in different ways. Once this process is comprehended, the next phase is to begin to inquire as to the ‘categorization’ of importance in the list of priorities that provide the greatest good for ALL. Now even Senge recognizes that a learning organization evolves at its own speed and needs to be treated like a garden rather than a machine. The gardener doubles as an edutainer in the classroom; tilling and teasing the seeds to grow by being able to keep their rapidly moving attention engaged in relevant learning.
From the perspective of Godhood (non-gender/genre specific) we begin to filter each of the reflections through the participation facilitated by the instructor, teacher, our internal observer, or whomever. This one has already done his/her homework and compiled a list of information that has been derived from a much larger data pool. In this particular instance the information comes from comparative religious studies as well as modern psychological documentation available today. We're evolving. Our senses are expanding. Children are learning at near light speed. A master teacher is well prepared to facilitate their classroom experience, having begun with the end in mind.
How can we assess or test for this learning? To explore these relationships further, an organized effort to establish some kind of model environment is appropriate. Spectrum Academy, a concept crafted by Robin Engel and Zen Benefiel, is a potential answer to evolving a learning environment. It is not intended to produce Gods and Goddesses. What it will produce are young people capable of emulating the qualities of righteous leadership- care and concern for people and planet.
Let’s look at Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences for a moment to illustrate the growth and unfoldment of a natural order within a construct of consciousness. This appears to be a result of simply observing patterns to reveal process. Multiple intelligences were discovered through observation. It has been widely accepted that these multiple intelligences provide the essence of classroom students’ experiences, and for students of life as well. Life is just a bigger classroom with greater risks and potential outcomes. Intelligences that Gardner has revealed so far are: Verbal-Linguistic, Musical-Rhythmic, Logical-Mathematical, Visual-Spatial, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Intra-Personal, Inter-Personal, and Naturalistic.
There are no definitive tools to assess exactly what percentage of each intelligence we individually manifest in order to provide instructional materials to empower these intelligences as of yet. There are types of learning centers developed to utilize activities that nurture the various intelligences. These intelligences are usually only truly observable by a trained eye in the actual classroom environments. I believe there is one more intelligence that remains to be revealed. That is Spiritual Intelligence, which imbues every intelligence with a connectedness to all the others and a holistic model of life that is understood by the individual at very deep levels previously inaccessible by planes, trains, and automobiles. What kind of environment would we need to nurture our Spiritual Intelligence? Are there any present examples?
Before the proverbial ‘knee-jerk’ starts happening, let us address our momentary definition of Spiritual Intelligence. Spiritual Intelligence is the ability to respond to any given situation through the use of pure intuitive logical thought to empower the best use of our mind/body/spirit complex. Simply, everything is connected in the holistic view of the world. Pure, meaning without resistance; intuitive, meaning you already know the answer/response; logical, meaning it has identifiable repetitive patterns; thought, meaning that it is a function of the ONE MIND.
It has already been proven, scientifically, that life is made up of sets of fractals, each having its resonant core of the self-replicating pattern. Quantum physics has unveiled the mathematical understanding of our ability to change our patterns. We have yet to comprehend that this self-replicating pattern exists in its purest organic form (Naturalistic Intelligence) in our carbon atom. Its scientific reference would be 6 protons, 6 neutrons, and 6 electrons. If we look at the examples below, we see that there are some very interesting patterns that evolve from the carbon atom’s configuration.
Now, what does this all mean? It means that this Spiritual Intelligence is at the core of our genetic fiber. It is locked in to the very building blocks of our physicality. The understanding science is now offering helps us to move beyond subjugated religious superstition that promotes separation of mental and emotional intelligence. Organically we are able to use this intelligence to activate Bloom’s taxonomy to the next level. In his work, there are six basic areas of focus in our educational processes: Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation.
Through the use of Spiritual Intelligence, we are able to observe the categorical changes necessary in our world environment to align with the natural organic patterns of an interdependent civilization. We can all imagine what a world like this might be like. Or can we? There is so much information about the pieces of such an environment, a new world order if you will, that it would seem our duty to utilize our knowledge to apply the best practices of Spiritual Intelligence throughout society. We've found the key that eliminates all boundaries, making us truly one people and one planet.
Comprehending the change takes time. Our current outer stimuli keeps our mental focus so busy on trivial circumstances that we are unable to quiet the mind. We have the direct-connect to the inner knowledge and wisdom, yet the voice is muffled by all the outer activity. Those able to recognize the internal connections from the stillness within become the patient agents of perfected patterns that balance the scales of iniquity currently present on our planet, without placing undue focus on them. Our ability and knowledge as a unified people has been ignored for some time, or maybe it has not.
The chaos created through the media may indeed have another purpose. We already know how to evolve mental constructs into physical form. We also understand that it requires not a ubiquitous desire for change. Only a few are necessary to begin the process. Our job is to craft the wheel of change for the greatest safety, the most sustainable comfort, and the greatest joy. How do we do that? Analyzing each of our alternative choices, and the risk of loss in each, we can assess the outcome of the choices and synergistically reveal the best choices to serve the greatest good, locally and globally.
This leads us naturally to the application and implementation of the processes necessary, as our synthesis of solutions was developed as a natural evolution of the analysis of our choices. Evaluating these results demonstrates a natural progression of consciousness. Again, it falls into the realms of pure intuitive logical thought as the entire process evolves naturally through the parameters of the foundational structure. We have nearly transcended the fear, anger, ignorance, and immobility. What is left is to take action and grow beyond our current frustrations.
How does this reflect on the process of education? By definition the process of education is organic: to draw out. Ignoring an old scientific axiom of 10% brain usage being 'normal,' is it possible that we have many more senses, or levels of sense, with the other 90% of brain capacity? Could the 'junk DNA' be the access points into a greater realm of experience and understanding?
We now have the tools to draw out our map for our journey toward ONEness in perfectly acceptable order; a ‘new world order’ that acknowledges our past with honor and dignity, yet is concerned with the sustainability of our future. We harvest our past by bringing forth those tools most useful for our future, including the undesirable lessons learning the art of war. Now we can apply the same conceptual frameworks, used by the masters of manipulation of time and space, to create an atmosphere conducive to our ultimate need in the call toward Divinity: to be love and be loved.
We can begin to acknowledge the obvious in our daily lives, expanding to our local communities, and even spanning the globe once we can agree on simple principles of commerce (interactive exchanges), education, and community. In this regards, there is also a process toward building community that empowers a genesis in the living awareness of the individual and collective simultaneously. We can help the world receive an evo-leap of sustainability in environmental and social responsibility. Together we can change the world.
Check for Understanding
We can look back through each of the premises that evolved into the understanding presented. Essentially, we considered the effects of viewing ourselves as potential change agents for the 21st Century. We presented the premises from which our logic was drawn and showed cause for and a path toward changing a mindset and active role in one's life and community. Master teachers are the capable crew who lead the way, assisting the creation and formulation of questions that guide a person or class to self-discovery and Self-discovery, former being the understanding of their own patterns and the latter being God Consciousness, Christ Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, et al..
A great philosopher once said that Creators want playmates, not subjects or dominions; they want to have fun. They want to play. Think of how you felt as a child, or even adult, when you were at the height of 'play' in your life. Remember how it felt? Educationally fulfilling, entertaining and maybe even exhilarating, right? Now the rest of the story is up to you. Do you have concerns or questions? What have you found what really works for you?
Please share....
In Lakesh and Namasté(In Lakesh - Mayan for 'I am another you'; Namasté - Brahmi for 'I worship that which is within you.')
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Personal Ethics and Fresh Choices
"Personal conviction and ethics statement: I will to do good for all, desiring to serve humanity in the highest and best use of my mind/body/spirit complex, in the facilitation of a new world order of harmony among people and planet through presenting alternative solutions to community service delivery, participating in local socio-economic and environmental service programs, development of a solutions-based state-of-the-art model community, and developing a website that promotes these endeavors and more in the change of consciousness necessary for sustainable living on Planet Earth."
It has been said that values, morals and ethics are inextricably tied together. Values are what we learn from childhood; the 'stuff' we absorb from our parents and immediate surroundings. Morals are the intrinsic beliefs developed from the value systems of how we 'should' behave in any given situation. Ethics, on the other hand, are how we actually do behave in the face of difficult situations that test our moral fiber. In his book, "How Good People Make Tough Choices," Rushworth Kidder notes four basic paradigms of ethical decisions: justice versus mercy; short-term versus long-term; individual versus community; and truth versus loyalty.
He goes on to define the concepts further:
- The point behind the justice-versus-mercy paradigm is that fairness, equity, and even-handed application of the law often conflict with compassion, empathy, and love.
- Short-term versus long-term, or now versus then, reflect the difficulties arising when immediate needs or desires run counter to future goals or prospects.
- The individual-versus-community paradigm can be restated as us versus them, self versus others, or the smaller versus the larger group.
- Truth versus loyalty can be seen as honesty or integrity versus commitment, responsibility, or promise-keeping.
Expressing one’s personal grasp of ethics and life may not always be understood in the context of the world at large, the immediate environment, or even amongst the intimate others in the household. This is usually due to the fact that every person has some difference, small or great, in the development of their belief systems.
Belief systems are established early in life through environments of home, church, school, and social gatherings which help to mold and shape these beliefs. Most of these beliefs and patterns of behavior are established through the unconscious observations and experiences of childhood in the aforementioned environments. These I refer to as ‘outer’ experiences which are akin to the 'nurture' piece of the 'nature-nurture' developmental processes. Allow me to use my own 'outer' experience as an example.
I knew that I was adopted by the time I was five. My adoptive parents were ideal by some standards, demonstrating honesty, integrity, and willingness to address conflict with style and grace even in the most difficult of situations. Dad was a tool and die machinist, building plastic injection molds for General Motors optical division and was also a 32nd Degree Mason. Mom was an educator with a master's degree in Music and English and taught middle school English and Literature.
They were a formidable team for an adolescent with growing pains, encouraging me to challenge and explore my world. My parents taught me that honesty was the best policy, even when the details may not be too favorable. They taught me the meaning of trust which was not being afraid even when I felt vulnerable. Of course that does not mean that I am able to apply that wisdom always, although age does have its advantages.
I grew up in a Christian framework and didn't explore other religions until an NDE spurred me explore and hopefully discover the common thread that simply must be at the core of them all. There is a spiritual and material convergence in the fabric of life, if indeed all things are connected. Where we've [humans] held ourselves back has been the enigma, the cosmic conundrum of how to live in harmony with the natural world and therefore creation as a whole.
There are natural laws as scientific 'breakthroughs' demonstrate their reality and educators scramble to include these discoveries. Information exponentiates as millions of people share with each other through social networks, blogs, newsfeeds, etc. Where is it taking us? Or rather, where do we want to go? Do we really have to let religious confusion trump common sense?
A New Millennial Mindset
Where obvious bottlenecks occur in personal and professional environments I still tend to 'go deep' in conversations even at the risk of rejection. Paths need to be cleared of trash for solid relationships to develop. We simply must develop better relationships in our global village before it is too late.
Too often it is our own trash that we need to take out. P&Ls have taken precedence over building healthy strong relationships that encourage collaboration in life-friendly actions. Harvesting our past without judgement is the challenge of the day.
Indigenous councils have been discovered to consider seven generations previous and seven ahead before making decisions that affect the tribe. We are one tribe now, so it would make sense that we would want to grow together. Now that we have common crises to address we can rally for the benefit of the world. Is that too lofty a dream?
Being sensitive is quite the notion these days. So is misunderstanding. Without clarifying what I mean by 'sensitive' I'm sure there are numerous perspectives that could be read into the sentence. What do I mean, 'sensitive'? Conscious of the nuances of life, the view that compassion and understanding brings. In determining the need for change in our challenge for implementing new safeguards in our ways of life, it is known as metanoia - a change of mind.
Our influential predecessors marked the way to industrious albeit semi-destructive ways. The shift in paradigm is in realigning human and material wealth to serve a healthy planet and people. That's a great notion, but how do we make it a practical reality. I, for one, believe it starts with holistic education and the integration of more organic ways of learning, connecting the natural cycles, rhythms and patterns of life.
Educational requirements now are contrary to the industrial-age model of education and physical plant structure that feigned our progress. The economy is tanking, which generally could be a sign that how and what we've been teaching has limited scope and vision. We need to take a divergent move and get everyone involved in the act, not just put it on the shoulders of those whom we 'pay' to address the issues.
Ethical behavior, the evidence of our beliefs, morals and values, leads us to consideration, if not confrontation of existing systems caught in the throes of dysfunctionality. Corporations and maligned profiteers act like dysfunctional families needing an intervention. How do we begin to affect change positively, growing as a family instead of being torn apart by our indifference?
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Anthropic Principle - Our Carbon Footprint
This relationship between man and the cosmos is said to be through intelligent design. Only a small range of possible values for the universal constants (such as the mass of an electron) are consistent with the presence of life as we know it. The significance of such apparent fine-tuning of the universal constants is disputed by those who regard it as trivial and those who argue from it to the necessity of life in the universe.
From my experience as a coach and creator, the very essence of our creative ability comes forth through our considerations of prudent actions that promote healthy people and planet. Our basic humanness revolves around the ebb and flow of energy we associate with loving and being loved, intermixed with all the conditions we anchor to the process and its results in our environment, personal and professional.
According to Stephen Hawking, "Cosmology used to be regarded as a pseudo science, an area where wild speculation was unconstrained by any reliable observations. We now have lots and lots of observational data, and a generally agreed picture of how the universe is evolving. But cosmology is still not a proper science, in the sense that as usually practiced, it has no predictive power.
Our observations tell us the present state of the universe, and we can run the equations backward, to calculate what the universe was like at earlier times. But all that tells us is that the universe is as it is now, because it was as it was then. To go further, and be a real science, cosmology would have to predict how the universe should be. We could then test its predictions against observation, like in any other science."
James Gardner's book, Biocosm, takes us further. He states in the introduction, "The holistic philosophy embodied in the sciences of complexity is uniquely suited to the mission of the intellectual voyage on which we shall presently embark: to seek out and delineate, as precisely and exhaustively as possible, a specific theory concerning the linkage and “consilience” (in biologist Edward O. Wilson’s resonant phrase)11 between the basic laws and constants governing the behavior of inanimate nature and the role of life and mind in the universe. As we shall see, the very fact that such consilience and linkage should exist is itself a profound ontological commentary."
Howard Bloom, in The Lucifer Principle states, "Superorganisms, ideas, and the pecking order - the triad of human evil - these are the primary forces behind much of human creativity and earthly good. They are the holy trinity of the Lucifer Principle. But there is hope we may someday free ourselves of savagery. To our species, evolution has given something new - the imagination."
"With that gift," he continues, "we have dreamed of peace. Our task - perhaps the only one that will save us - is to turn what we have dreamed into reality. To fashion a world where violence ceases to be. If we can accomplish this goal, we may yet escape our fate as highly precocious offspring, as fitting inheritors of nature's highest gift and foulest curse, as the ultimate children of the Lucifer Principle."
John the Revelator wrote about [the Beast] having a man's number - 666. Many have translated it as an evil thing, yet it is with intelligence we are admonished to interpret it. Could it be as simple as the carbon atom with 6 neutrons, 6 protons and 6 electrons? If we were able to have a scientific understanding of the nature of man [the Beast] we may be able to unleash the constraints of the Lucifer Principle. What of our current concerns for the carbon footprints threatening our planetary well-being?
It is by awareness and choice that we change the course of humankind toward a harmony of stewardship for the planet and her people. We have begun the next course of human development, the superorganism is evolving toward stewardship based on the need for survival. Ideas move beyond the ruthlessness of power and profit at any cost to purposeful planetary administration. The planetary pecking order has shifted from man's perceived dominance of nature to the natural consequences of its abuse. The paradox of the carbon atom is not only is it the basis for all organic life forms, it also has the capability of destroying the very same.
Applied technology in the new millennium - material, psychospiritual and scientific, with a collaborative 'greening' code of ethics, appears to be the answer to the carbon conundrum. Our threats are no longer from specific individuals, tribes or nations or even extraterrestrials, but from man's collective carbon footprint. In this shift to address global warming, we have found the true enemy: our own ignorance. This could very well give rise to moving beyond the 'might is right' or 'God is on our side' scenarios, eliminating the ideological barriers of belief systems through the call to save our collective civilization.
Alas, the ultimate paradox is in carbon itself, our life and death. In one mixture it holds the keys to understanding creation. In others, our worst nightmares exist – the destruction of a civilization. In the new millennium mindset mythweaving there is a core understanding of the web of life, a consciousness of conscience toward person and planet.
Just since the beginning of the new decade there has been an evo-leap in applied sciences and technology guiding the way for developing solutions, but some of those solutions have no easy answers. We still have people killing people because no one is stopping them, trying to understand why and coming up with alternatives that synergize our collective needs in harmony. It will not eliminate the Lucifer Principle, but it will realign its priorities.
Our dreams of change toward peace on earth and good will toward man cry out for being made real. Nations are rallying to create fuel and energy alternatives, which would offset some of the workforce downsizing movement. Still, we are faced with trust issues toward the economy and financial institutions. Education is suffering from the industrial age style ‘in the box’ form of environments that simply lack the methodologies for addressing the new millennial minds.
The vision of a planetary administration hinges on effective management of resources; human, material and even metaphysical, a new world order that puts those thousand points of light in proper perspective. We need our dreams to shed some light in on collective economic opportunities, holistic education and serious planetary stewardship. Many dreams envision harmony among people and planet. May our dreams mold future realities.
Now you may think I’m either insane or have impeccable timing, but I have a sense that we need to advance to quantum psychology to understand how to implement the change we desire, metanoia for the masses. On a global agenda, this begins with leaders willing to communicate and execute collaborative actions deemed appropriate for eradicating the evil superorganism, ideas and pecking order. Addressing a global consciousness, creating the desire to become one in planetary purpose for the prize of continued population, is a challenge for the new millennial man.
An Inconvenient Truth performed brilliantly, ONE shines light on poverty and Middle East resolutions help, not to mention the countless courageous change agents throughout education, energy and ergonomics. We’ve made evo-leaps in alternative energy development, nutritional delivery systems and alternate dispute resolution, but the looming challenge is still the confrontation and control of evils acts against ourselves, the senseless destruction of human and planetary life. Working with the willing is wonderful, but how do we address the aberrations of human consciousness collaboratively to live a harmony of people and planet?
We’ve made advances in radionics and mapping the brain’s frequencies already. Conceivably the neural net that engages selfish and violent acts is definable in some sort of frequency or vibrational range. This is where access to shifting consciousness begins, allowing a ‘higher’ consciousness to evolve through the right use of will. Research in psyonics, mental powers, has been occurring for centuries, seeing little light of day because of the ethical and spiritual implications in political and religious leadership if it were acknowledged.
The reality is that we face extreme ethical and moral questions in the process. Could we then also conceive of a mechanism or methodology derived through scientific methods that reveals higher thought patterns relating to prudent progressive action? There is plenty of proof for the argument toward meditation and positive affirmations, visualization in the art of creating and brain wave management through sound and light technologies. I mean, from a scientific and spiritual perspective, we now know that sound/light pulses provide physical foundations congruent with cosmic consciousness. Maybe we could begin to discover that God truly does dwell with man, our light no longer hidden by the sounds of silence.
We still have not addressed a potentially prominent factor in the evolution of man on planet Earth. We are not alone in the universe anymore, despite the unwillingness of our governments to openly acknowledge the presence of extraterrestrial civilizations. On a broad scale there appears to be two viewpoints of their activity. One is the covert operations in a plot to control the planet, but it’s pretty obvious that just ain’t happenin’. The other sounds more realistic: harbingers of change, for our potential inclusion in universe affairs. Their help hinges on our ability to coalesce for the commoner on a global scale; our purposeful action.
As we develop collaboration in consciousness and construction of communication plans, ignited by the current best practices and open-book management philosophies of the new millennium, we are challenged by the immensity of our task. There is encouragement even at the level of the new United States Presidency’s policy that directed all departments to the terms of the Memorandum of Transparency. We must be open with one another; greeting our collective change with openness and willingness to offer our very best efforts toward harmony of people and planet.