Saturday, May 22, 2010

Transformational Lifestyle

At the risk of appearing really off the wall, I'd like to express some considerations that you may share as well. It has been several decades since I first started inquiring deeper within the constructs of reality, seeking congruence of belief systems and daily living. I’ve shucked the belief systems in favor of ‘experience systems’ that offer more congruence.

As you will soon see, I have a penchant for going deep, but the reality is in my daily living and business dealings I introduce the very grounded and practical aspects of collaboration, communication and conversation. I share examples of how everything is connected and when the ‘goal’ is the leader, everyone wins. We simply do what needs to be done.

I've quested for connection since early childhood and have constantly been reminded that intention brings us both deliberate and non-deliberate manifestation. Our thoughts and feelings can bring us together in a sublime experience or rip us apart through anger and depression... chaos in our internal experience. I share simple techniques to calm the storm that work.

I was drawn to this web of life-giving support by that sublime experience we tend to call love. I'd like to offer an acronym that perfectly submits this understanding to our available cognition - Limitless Oscillating Vibrational Energy… even Living One Vibration Eternal. But hey, I’m a sucker for wordsmithing.

LOVE permeates our lives and our planetary consciousness that is shifting toward harmony now. Our tendency is to want to remain in some kind of perception of duality. To unite mind and heart, male and female, yin and yang into a global or universal consciousness is quite the challenge. Where do we begin? Can we not only find but live a balanced life in the face of all our external perturbations?

I would love to say yes with unequivocal surety. Alas, I am a silly human being still reeling from moments of blissful celestial rides in a compassionate embrace of unconditional love. For those who've experienced NDEs or invitations into the light or the void, you can relate on an empathic level from your own experience. What I came to know is that we are cosmic consciousness condensed into form… spiritual beings having a human experience.

As I've learned to manage my own experience better, I've longed to share at least some of the key components so that others may gain access through practicing simple yet profound methods of self-examination and transcendence. The resistance to change, like fear, is a doorway to freedom. When I let go of the emotional attachments I discover deep within the constructs of my reality, the experience of tension turns tranquil… blissful if you will.

I sense millions are addressing these same feelings now. Maybe you are one, too. In the contemplation of oneness, I am another you. We all are individuations of the same Source by whatever name we call it or them. The same paradoxical feeling of total connection and separation exists at our core whether in the light or in the void. It brings a new sense of understanding of the Tao.

I cried as I watched the movie Contact because of the familiarity of the trip through the tube, the awe of the view and the realization that I am not alone yet again. Strange that the human race finishes with mixed results still, yet all roads return us to oneness - an absence of duality. One of the scenes in Contact also led me to contemplate our 2-dimensional symbols in another way, looking for a primer of sorts.

I found it in the symbol of yin and yang, as simple as turning the light on and off... our DNA helix. How? Well, imagine that our heartbeat is like a gate for turning the energy in our body on and off, a top-down or bottom-up view of the helix has one side lit and the other in darkness with the expansion and contraction of our spark, our life force. Those who've witnessed the pulse, the spin of the rainbow sparkled particles and the trip into inner space may have a point of recognition. :)

Now at just over a half-century of onederful experience here, I've earned a couple of master's degrees in business along with certifications in hypnotherapy, transformational life coaching and secondary education among other things. I've applied my education and experience in coaching and consulting realms, but the most fun is facilitating partnering workshops across a variety of fields, from arts to construction to transformation and wellness.

I enjoy the challenge of bringing people together for collaborative purposes, building consensus and transforming the chaos of personal agendas into a unified front. I’ve experienced the bliss of success in so many ways, including large public events like the Fiesta Bowl New Year’s Eve Block Party in Tempe, Arizona (250,000 patrons), ADOT and FHWA road and bridge construction partnering workshops ($3M to $500M – 20 to 70 participants) and facilitating the logistics on smaller event on my own.

Chaos is the beginning of order as we well know by now. Once we embrace our own shadow, the chaos begins to transform. Discovery empowers revelation on a personal basis. I have crafted some practices and supportive information to help others in the process of finding balance and harmony within. It has taken much time and effort to compile, so I do ask for some exchange, however minimal. Our emotional processes and the path to freeing our entanglements can be put into simple order. I invite you to explore and investigate yourself. The link to this work is: Transformation: A Guide for Change.

Friday, May 7, 2010

What have we got to lose?

The Future We Study and Plan for Begins NOW

I may be completely off track here, but there seems to be a reticence toward openness and vulnerability across the dynamics of human relationships. The concerns for acceptance, safety and security appear to be at the root of this resistance.

I don't think I'm alone in this regard as I've had many private discussions that support this observation. How do we move beyond the boundaries of self-inflicted separation when we profess to believe that a holistic perspective is imperative in the world today?

From corporate conundrums in workplace learning and performance to political postulates for serving the needs of society to religious rhetoric meant to free our souls' purpose to manifest in our daily lives... its a full stop when simple and obvious questions arise. The truth seems to be always less than full disclosure. How do we first find and then share truth without spending decades or millennia arguing about it? Can we just acknowledge 'what is'?

We, as a world, are faced with some very important choices as we seek to transform our past profit-driven and less than human friendly decisions into creating a world that makes sense. Life-friendly choices are muddled by cash flow projections, personal liabilities, professional limitations and excuses for not acting in accordance with what we profess to believe - our ability to act in love.

Too often that love is conditional, with expectations that are neither spoken of fulfilled because of our inability to articulate the wisdom we hold as spiritual beings in human form. There isn't one religion that denies that we are indeed manifestations of some greater intelligence. So where is that intelligence showing up now?

Across the gamut of world government and resource management (human and material) we are experiencing a call for transformation toward something more harmonious, a movement toward telling the truth and working with 'what is' rather than hidden agendas and excuses for irresponsible actions.

What I find confusing is the apparent indignation of 'authorities' who we've looked to for leadership. Instead of revealing a reality that we can all agree is true, there are countless backroom meetings to figure out how to subvert the population into a manageable mass that remains uninformed and even unconscious to their own capability and potential as human beings. This behavior completely denies the human spirit and the possibility of acknowledging that we are spiritual beings at all.

So how do we transform our world even when our leadership is resistant to the changes that are obviously needed to guide our planetary civilization forward?

I don't have all the answers. I may not have any of them. But, I suspect that many across the world are getting fed up with being diagnosed, labeled and accused of being unrealistic. I perceive that the multitudes of finger-pointers and whistle blowers are affecting the population, but not necessarily in the best way possible. Exposing the truth often causes a rise in anger and frustration that, unchecked, can lead to even more catastrophic behavior.

Do we look to the skies for help? Do we look deep within for help? Do we propose new possibilities for using our skill sets for the betterment of mankind? Are our [spiritual beings having human experiences] actions congruent with what are perceived to be mission-driven [harmony among people and planet] objectives? Can we pause in process to question and reflect on our personal and professional endeavors to see if they match up?

For some, and with growing numbers, all of the previous questions are being considered with greater tenacity. Apparently even the cosmological experts and researchers are chiming in with a recognition that it is part of the process humanity finds itself in currently. The questions still remain: Can we learn to be in the precious present without past constraints or future concerns eliminating possibilities in the present? Can we collaborative create life-friendly solutions that will span hunger, poverty and war? And lastly, How can we work together as one?

What have we got to lose?

Monday, April 12, 2010

Another View of Our Condition

Morning Star signifies the birth of a New Earth Nation. As the morning star rises we hear cherubic laughter, "They are waking wake up.. " the celestial children giggle as the dreamsleepers awaken. "Time Bombs" of supernal light have been ticking for a long, long while - foreshadowing of the "Crimson Dawn" as told in the prophecy of Fatima is come.

The transparent Starship Earth becomes translucent, then it crystallizes. Repulsive and attractive images of alternating "beastly vomit" and "intelligent construction" flash like an ongoing 'Future Shop holograph' on the cave walls (TV Screen) to separate the hot and cold hearted from the indifferent in this Supreme Intelligence Test of the Human Heart, the final test of global evolution. For stupidity is the only unforgivable sin.

Massive imbalance and waste is social housing and amenities is obvious. Abomination and desolation manifest just as in the Black Light Foreshadowing. Then the picture clarifies. The New Earth landscape appears snow covered at first. On closer examination it is snowflakes knit as white linen, which is our "clean white stone" born of the righteousness of Saints as The Holy City manifests.

"And I saw no temple in the city. For its temple is the Lord God Almighty and The Lamb. And the city has no need of sun or moon to shine upon it, for the Glory of God is its light, and its lamp is The Lamb. By its light shall the nations walk, and the kings of the Earth shall bring their glory into it.

And its gates shall never be shut by day, and there shall be no night there. They shall bring into it the honour and the glory of the nations. But nothing unclean shall enter it, nor any one who practices abomination or falsehood, but only those that are written in The Lambs' Book of Life..." - Revelation 21 v.22

The post consumption era is devoted to the restoration of our habitat. Strategic Industries have built an electronic highway with control systems to guarantee maintenance free stability to ensure that we never again overstep the life-death mark.

Let us dress Our Lady Queen in a new topography. Let us fashion a multi cultural wedding gown for Her, made of the wonderful textures and gleaming fabrics from the Hope Chest of ages. Morning Star shines back to the future-past to illuminate the jewels of, personal, cultural, national, treasures. Why live like paupers when we can live like Kings?

We are the collective New Age Christ Child - grass roots people know - but it takes the "Wise Men" a little longer, to land on this plateau. The "Second Coming" is our breakaway from the former abomination of cultural, national, religious and racial antagonism - politically inspired as a means of holding mass control. Focus on external hazards, hides the real diabolical enemy within.

The UFO coverup is the time-bomb: Nanotechnology at its best. This secret has been held in suspension-readiness for half a century until The Master gave the Word. We are Sky People who have been held in a time warp in order to extend our cosmic education into lower worlds, and animal classrooms.
I AM THAT I AM - is our Lord and King.

As the Morning Star rises, great spiritual gifts pour down from the heavens, like a shower of stars falling from the realm of "Nuit" into the normal daytime consciousness of men and women around the Earth.

The Morning Star is DEATH STAR. For nothing can exist without its polar opposite. Death Star is the most welcome of all the planets encountered on our Eternal voyage into infinity. It represents a move from brain-dead politics to the resurrection of New Life. The arrival of the "Holy Barque" in its home port. The Iconic Alexandria Yod merges virtual and manifest reality. The end of one world and the New Beginning of the next.

"He who would save his life shall loose it. He who gives his life, it is safe for evermore."

Earth Log
4.12 2010
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