Morning Star signifies the birth of a New Earth Nation. As the morning star rises we hear cherubic laughter, "They are waking wake up.. " the celestial children giggle as the dreamsleepers awaken. "Time Bombs" of supernal light have been ticking for a long, long while - foreshadowing of the "Crimson Dawn" as told in the prophecy of Fatima is come.
The transparent Starship Earth becomes translucent, then it crystallizes. Repulsive and attractive images of alternating "beastly vomit" and "intelligent construction" flash like an ongoing 'Future Shop holograph' on the cave walls (TV Screen) to separate the hot and cold hearted from the indifferent in this Supreme Intelligence Test of the Human Heart, the final test of global evolution. For stupidity is the only unforgivable sin.
Massive imbalance and waste is social housing and amenities is obvious. Abomination and desolation manifest just as in the Black Light Foreshadowing. Then the picture clarifies. The New Earth landscape appears snow covered at first. On closer examination it is snowflakes knit as white linen, which is our "clean white stone" born of the righteousness of Saints as The Holy City manifests.
"And I saw no temple in the city. For its temple is the Lord God Almighty and The Lamb. And the city has no need of sun or moon to shine upon it, for the Glory of God is its light, and its lamp is The Lamb. By its light shall the nations walk, and the kings of the Earth shall bring their glory into it.
And its gates shall never be shut by day, and there shall be no night there. They shall bring into it the honour and the glory of the nations. But nothing unclean shall enter it, nor any one who practices abomination or falsehood, but only those that are written in The Lambs' Book of Life..." - Revelation 21 v.22
The post consumption era is devoted to the restoration of our habitat. Strategic Industries have built an electronic highway with control systems to guarantee maintenance free stability to ensure that we never again overstep the life-death mark.
Let us dress Our Lady Queen in a new topography. Let us fashion a multi cultural wedding gown for Her, made of the wonderful textures and gleaming fabrics from the Hope Chest of ages. Morning Star shines back to the future-past to illuminate the jewels of, personal, cultural, national, treasures. Why live like paupers when we can live like Kings?
We are the collective New Age Christ Child - grass roots people know - but it takes the "Wise Men" a little longer, to land on this plateau. The "Second Coming" is our breakaway from the former abomination of cultural, national, religious and racial antagonism - politically inspired as a means of holding mass control. Focus on external hazards, hides the real diabolical enemy within.
The UFO coverup is the time-bomb: Nanotechnology at its best. This secret has been held in suspension-readiness for half a century until The Master gave the Word. We are Sky People who have been held in a time warp in order to extend our cosmic education into lower worlds, and animal classrooms.
I AM THAT I AM - is our Lord and King.
As the Morning Star rises, great spiritual gifts pour down from the heavens, like a shower of stars falling from the realm of "Nuit" into the normal daytime consciousness of men and women around the Earth.
The Morning Star is DEATH STAR. For nothing can exist without its polar opposite. Death Star is the most welcome of all the planets encountered on our Eternal voyage into infinity. It represents a move from brain-dead politics to the resurrection of New Life. The arrival of the "Holy Barque" in its home port. The Iconic Alexandria Yod merges virtual and manifest reality. The end of one world and the New Beginning of the next.
"He who would save his life shall loose it. He who gives his life, it is safe for evermore."
Earth Log
4.12 2010
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