Friday, November 15, 2013

Entrapment or Intelligence?

Entrapment or Intelligence?

In some cases one might consider having a bunch of letters behind their name a sign of accomplishment. In others it only validates an old adage of 'the more I know the more I realize I don't know.' At times the letters create more boundaries to knowledge than they share, limiting the mind's peering into further depths because of the constraints of the 'degrees' that separate. How separate we get before we begin to learn how to come together for a common purpose is an aspect of intelligence.

Is there a potential of bridging boundaries or of finding some harmony in the chaos we witness in the world today? Certainly we can agree that our planetary civilization is evolving, even though it may only appear as pockets of progress currently.

Man surely is realizing there is much more to our nature than has been nurtured by and through our intellectual and spiritual development. The two often create vastly different approaches to resolving common issues we all face. We look out into the cosmos and can confirm there is indeed one creation that we can all witness, yet there are a plethora of postulates and projections as to how it operates and who is in charge.

Some have no desire to explore such matters and focus on doing what is deemed 'best' for the daily activities of supporting their family and performing their job, Others obsess over conspiracy theories about control and dominance of the human race and loose sight of what matters in the moment.

Sometimes the advantage of intelligence keeps one dancing around the circle of perspective and exploring each of the points along the line to the point of entrapment. The observer gets caught up in the process and stifles the ability of the participant to engage life. This seems to happen across the gamut of human experience from personal to professional, community to corporate. Now it is easy to see this when one remains in the eye of the storm. However, life is spinning around the observer in the storm itself.

An old favorite, Aurobindo Ghose, presented the notion that it is easier to enter the chaos and find one's center, then to choose when and where to re-enter with a sense of direction and/or purpose. In today's world the deeper one looks into the nature of his/her life and the purposeful direction of it, the more one is confronted with the conflicting notions of dominance and submission to a variety of 'wills' and the management of attention to them.

Can we find balance and/or harmony within the dominant culture or do we need a shift to the submissive side?

As we begin to realize there are some natural patterns the appear throughout creation, maybe there is good cause to pause and reflect on the mathematical precision present in them. It would seem to make sense that the pendulum would begin to swing toward finding ways to become aligned with these patterns instead of dominate our environment and society through forced behaviors.

Just how is our intelligence going to release us from the entrapment of our ill-fated dominance and near destruction of our planet?

In the author's opinion, we have to first agree collectively that there is a need. Decades of data-driven decisions (depending on who's data) have driven us to the brink of global annihilation, not because of weapons of mass destruction but because of poor planetary resource management and use. Like it or not, we're driven by a fossil fuel economy. 

Good or bad isn't the point now as it seems apparent we need a change. How we engage that change will determine how quickly we move beyond the entrapment and demonstrate intelligence as a human specie instead of a human race.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Darkness in the Light

Hermetic-PentThe Darkness in the Light

Darkness has really gotten a bad rap over the eons. In fact, when one enters the void there is a darkness full of possibility; a sense of being connected to everything in the nothingness. As one passes through the light (often referred to as the point of light within) into the physical world, the possibility of fulfilling purpose garnered from the formless becoming form is birthed.

So it is with cosmic consciousness manifesting in and through our bodies as they are perfectly designed to be the vessel; the Bodhisattva, the Christ, the human in which God dwells becomes aware of the ONE. The within and the without merge as this marriage of heaven and earth takes place in our lives. The first step begins in the darkness and unknown... Fear and loathing in the New Age has no place.

So many are in this place of jumping off now, and many more will join in since we passed by 12/21 without incident. A new galactic year has begun, launching us into yet another unknown cycle of births and deaths. How will we embrace the unknown? How will we look at our own ignorance and superstition? How will we truly love one another? Will we continue on the same destructive path or have an upwising?

The only judgments made in the ‘light’ or any realm of consciousness are our own. What a paradox in the face of the fear, guilt and shame game! We all seem to know it's all about feeling connected, at peace and in love. What if we were able to carry that feeling with us, knowing it is what we will find at our next transition anyway? Is a transition inevitable? What if we had a choice?

Is this our challenge: to move from duality to Oneness in our own consciousness? Is this not also the challenge of modern Christianity and others? There is a faction within the Christian realm that profess the living Christ, yet condemn any modern understanding outside the text of the Bible. What a challenge for humans! Are we more than just humans? Or do we just not understand what being human really means? We certainly sense the deep connection with loved ones and in compassionate activities. Is this natural?

Does a child not grow up to become an adult with the capacity to become a parent? What is a self-actualized human being? Could we be confusing crawl-ins, stand-ins and walk-ins because we have no frame of reference and still cannot claim our own growth toward magnificence? The natural resonance of what we have categorized as the various forms of love is obvious evidence that we have a deep-seated knowing that produces sensations when we violate our own values in living.

Our ethics demonstrate how we weigh our knowing of this love with the maligned perception of fear, guilt or shame promoted by those who wish dominance because the grip of their own fear is so unshakeable. It's also demonstrated by how we behave in light of our words. Most of us don't realize just how transparent we are and how much attention others pay to the 'delta' between words and action. Words are cheap. Action is priceless.

A self-actualized human being, in my opinion, would have achieved awareness through primary personal portals into the fabric of consciousness, at least becoming proficient in creating constructive scenarios with people, places and things. One who achieves a connected state is able to excel in creating good will and execution of strategic plans to actualize personal or professional goals. It's also a path wrought with trials and tribulations like no other, excruciatingly painful when one has to let go of another who chooses to remain in destructive patterns.

Even those connected individuals realize that the challenge to remain connected is an ever-present moment. Now what about those who have extraordinary connectivity to things beyond the normal scope of human experience? How do they relate to a new living awareness? Apparently shifting consciousness is on the rise due to our planet’s increased vibratory rate as a bi-product of our movement through space. It's a new kind of quantum entanglement... spooky action at a distance arriving in your neighborhood soon.

According to some sources, cosmic volunteers that become self-actualized human beings master experiential knowing and translate their wisdom into 'righteous' acts, promoting the good of the order and all. They are able to engage phenomena beyond our imagination and yet because of universal edicts, their lives are often hidden from public view. Attempts by others to use this awareness for selfish gain find that it just doesn't work. Those who demand proof are rarely attentive enough to see it.

Humans tend to want spectacular sideshows and get caught up in the phenomena to the point of missing the message. We might even begin to see a synergism of previously fragmented bits of knowledge that congeal into malleable frameworks of great import if we pay attention closely. There is often too much psychic disturbance, too much mental chatter about nothing important, that keeps the affects of spontaneous moments from having a lasting effect.

We have a plethora of literature and accounts of the ascent in consciousness to query on our journey. Too often, though, we tend to get stuck in one path or religion and fail to grok the importance of them all. No one religion has the market on truth. It is possible that a view of them all might provide necessary clues as to their unity. What if we turned our attention to those things that truly matter to us all?
an afterthought...We must honor those who risk their lives to stand up for making sense common. Money and power have ruled many countries silently for centuries. Now the populations are to the point where the house divided simply cannot stand any longer.
The activity seems absolutely insane, yet absolutely necessary in order to shift the balance of power back to the people who deserve. It will take time and for those who are not in the midst of the action, like myself, I can only encourage the peaceful revolution to continue.
Wars do no determine who is right, only who is left. No doubt the insecurities and over-reaction of the police is a result of co-dependence - of acting like they think some authority wants them to act. Alas, the conversations come slowly as hearts are changed; opened to the truth of the inhumanity of brother against brother.
It is a time in our making of history for 'planetary citizens' to step up and continue to demonstrate the need for our society to evolve beyond the control and domination of those who fear its loss. It would seem there is a wave of discontent flowing around the planet now. Many knew it was coming. May the natural order of love for one another resume its process and provide ways for quick resolve with the least chaos and destruction as possible.
There are ways to engage the world's powers in new ways, inviting them to be part of the solutions rather than continuing to create the chasms between moral and ethical responsibility. No one like to be told they are foolish, misguided or wrong. One way to engage the corporations in new ways is through the incorporation of the ISO 26000 Social Responsibility Standards. You can find a copy at